How to embed calculations in MS word

The type of document I have in mind is a bid or a contract. It has many values, such as prices and dates, scattered within the text. For years I have used DOCPROPERTY fields to avoid copying-and-pasting them, where they are the same (e.g. final price may occur 10 or 20 times in a document). But I think this could go even further, as it would be easiest if some values could be calculated from others.

For example, by using field syntax {DOCPROPERTY "final_price"} I can refer to that property as defined in document properties.

Also, field syntax {=100*1.07} will yield 107.

However, if I try this: {={DOCPROPERTY "final_price"} * 1.07}, in various configurations of braces and brackets, all I get is syntax errors.

Documentations is scarce. Can anybody help?

Make sure to create proper field codes, one inside the other, like this:

  1. Press CTRL + F9
  2. Put in =*1.07 between the braces
  3. Click between = and *
  4. Press CTRL + F9 again
  5. Put in DOCPROPERTY "final_price" between the braces
  6. Press Alt + F9 to toggle field codes
  7. Press F9 to update the field

Have a look at the Word addin at It allows live calculations using the Word equation editor.