What does the phrase "What's your bag?" mean?

I would interpret this anachronistic question as hipster-speak for:

So, what are your interests, employment, education, religion, and/or life goals?

Basically this person is trying to determine whether you would make a valuable acquaintance or possibly sexual partner based on mutual interests.

It is a slang expression from the 60's:


  • To Steal. Example: Who bagged my towel? ;
  • Also; "What's your bag" meaning what's your problem or where are you coming from.


For the second sentence it may refer to:


  • Slang An area of interest or skill: Cooking is not my bag.


I remember hearing that phrase as a little girl. I recall it as a metaphor for someone's world view, meaning each of us is limited to the things we perceive in our own life, which is like a bag we live inside in. I recall hearing there was a "happening" in Greenwhich Village where people actually got into huge bags to physically experience the social isolation our metaphorical bags put us each in. I was in the Village yesterday and that it what brought the phrase back to mind. I wasn't sure if anyone still used the phrase.

At the party, someone asked me: - So, what's your bag?

They are asking - who are you and what do you have to offer. In other words what do you do. It is another way of saying "What's your gig".

It means: "What do you like to do?". It can also mean, "What do you do for bread?". Lastly, it can also mean, "You seem to be wired a bit left of center, judging by your clothes, hair, music, bumper stickers, psychedelic van, laid back attitude ... smell or whatever... hehe ... so what is that all about?"

Have a hippie day!