A word for intentionally losing a bet?

Is there a word, or phrase, to express when someone makes a bet with the intent to lose?

I’m looking for one of two things (or both). Either a verb to express the action of making such a bet, or a word that is defined by this specific type of bet.

An example would be in Seinfeld: Elaine makes a bet with a guy, and if the guy “loses” he must buy her dinner (with the assumption being he made a bet knowing he would lose).

I realize this is basically just a swindle, but I’m hoping there is something more specific.

You're throwing it, like a fight.

: to lose intentionally

This may not fit with your example, but sandbagging is a term for intentionally losing (a bet, game, match, etc.) in order to gain advantage later.

Hustle might work (both as a verb and noun), especially if the context makes it clear that you are being playful. A couple of meanings are:

To misrepresent one's ability in order to deceive someone, especially in gambling; to misrepresent one's skill in (a game or activity) in order to deceive someone, especially in gambling: hustle pool.

You could say, "Elaine hustled dinner from a guy."

Deliberately losing a fight or some other contest is also called taking a dive.