Is there any difference in meaning between "faith" and "blind faith"?

To use the term blind faith, is to use an adjective needlessly.

I had heard the above quote from a positivist friend some time ago. Also, the dictionaries define "faith" as a "belief that is not based on proof" or an "unreasoned belief".

So my question is: Is "faith" by definition "blind"? If no, what is the difference between mere "faith" and "blind faith"?

Solution 1:

Billare's comment on the question provides most of the answer. To go a bit further, "blind" is indeed a intensifier and can be used to modify "faith" in this way.

However, we can also posit degrees of faith. A "reasoned faith" would be belief with some measure of logical or evidential support.

"Blind faith" would be faith with no reason, and conceivably faith in spite of evidence to the contrary. The term normally arises in reference to the latter type, and is slightly pejorative.

Solution 2:

"Faith" in my dictionary is:

complete trust or confidence in someone or something

This has no implications on proof or otherwise. For instance, I have faith in gravity. "Blind faith" is classifying "faith" to mean "faith without evidence or proof." Your friend's quip is mostly a comment on the common usage of "faith" as implying "blind faith" and is intended as a jab at people who take their (albeit blind) faith extremely seriously.

Solution 3:

The differences between faith & blind faith are simple. Faith is believing in something; with or without any information about whatever that something is. Blind-faith... is lacking in some component(s) of information but still continuing to believe in something.

Similar to devotion and blind-devotion.

You can have faith that something will occur knowing that the evidence suggests the outcome... but blind-faith is having faith something will occur with no evidence or conflicting evidence against that outcome.

Solution 4:

I have faith that my car will start in the morning, in the sense that I assume it without thinking. But it's not blind faith, because I know roughly what is supposed to happen, and might even be able to fix a simple problem. My faith in a computer, however, is blind: for all I know there may be a small demon trapped inside each one (come to think of it, that would explain a lot...). Note that no knowledge of programming will change this last point: I would need among other things, a soldering iron to convert my faith into a rational belief.

Solution 5:

I think "faith" has a positive to neutral connotation, whereas "blind faith" has a more negative connotation.