How does Machinarium handle save games?

Does anybody know how Machinarium handles save states? I put about a half hour into it the other day, clicked 'Save,' and then quit.

Loaded it up today to continue and lo and behold, my save game was nowhere to be found.

One caveat is that I don't have internet access it possible that it syncs save states with the Steam cloud?

Solution 1:

I may have found the answer. I didn't realize that it makes use of the Flash player data directory instead of somewhere more logical, like the Documents or Steam folder.

From the Machinarium forums:

"%AppData%\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\{RANDOMWORD}\localhost\{PATH_TO_MACHINARIUM_INSTALL_DIRECTORY}\machinarium.exe\Machinarium.sol"

"~/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/#SharedObjects/{RANDOMWORD}/localhost/{PATH_TO_MACHINARIUM_INSTALL_DIRECTORY}/machinarium.exe/Machinarium.sol"


Long story short...if you are regularly using something like Ccleaner to clear out your temp files, then your save games will get blown away.

Solution 2:

it's straight forward guys. When you save game and quit, navigate to shared objects/machinarium folder and locate machinarium.sol file. Copy and paste to desktop. When you restart, exit and copy and replace file in same folder (this has reverted back to startinf point). Relaunch game and bingo - sorted. Bit of a pain but only takes 10 seconds and worth it.