What happens if the target of Nautilus's ult teleports?

When Xypherous did his Dev Diary for Nautilus he answered this question:

(Forum Goer)Quote: Can you dodge it, or blink over it (referring to the ultimate)?

(Xypherous):If you doge it or blink over it, it will turn around to chase you some more, forever - RUN SINGED RUN.

(Forum Goer) Quote: Master Yi Speed Test Inc.

(Xypherous):I think Rammus stands a better shot of making it halfway across the map before it hits him - :P

(Xypherous):If you can outrun it for 5 seconds or get 2000+ units away from it, it'll just explode on the spot.

Link to the source

Found a video of someone actually managing to outrun Nautilus' ultimate: