Do Melons prefer to grow in certain directions?

Solution 1:

I think I found the code that chooses where the melon grows. (All comments added by me.)

int i1 = random.nextInt(4);
int j1 = i;  // Assuming j1 and k1 are the horizontal axes...
int k1 = k;
if(i1 == 0)  // North
if(i1 == 1) // South
if(i1 == 2) // East
if(i1 == 3) // West
    k1++; // or somthing like that, anyway.
if(world.getBlockId(j1, j, k1) == 0 && world.getBlockId(j1, j - 1, k1) == Block.tilledField.blockID)  // Make sure the targeted block is empty and below it is farmland...
    world.setBlockWithNotify(j1, j, k1, field_35297_a.blockID); // Place a melon.

It appears to depend on how random random.nextInt(4) is.