porblem in Mod rewrite url editing [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Make post title as a slug in url by mod rewrite

I have a url:


I want to rewrite it as using mod rewrite


I am using following rewite_rule:

RewriteRule ^([0-9]+)/([0-9]+) $  http://www.example.com/details.php?var=$1&p=$2   [L]

but it is not working. If I type http://www.example.com/100/99 it redirects to http://www.example.com/details.php?var=100&p=99 url. Please help me in this issue. Thanks

If it's about the *redirect*, then remove the http://... prefix from the target part.

RewriteRule ^(\d+)/(\d+)$  details.php?var=$1&p=$2   [L]

Make this the first rule.

Also keep in mind that you have to adapt your application to actually generate /123/456 urls. The rewriterule only works on incoming requests, it does not alter pages.