The usage of "do" and what it implies in these sentences

I have a question about this usage:

"Do you do drugs?" Is this asking if the person has ever done drugs before?

"Yes" does this mean the person has done drugs before (regardless) of how long ago and how frequent?

"No" Does this mean the person has never done drugs before, and says that they never will?

"Do you eat at restarurants?" Is this asking if the person has ever aten at a restaurant before?

"Yes" does this mean the person eaten at a restaurant (regardless) of how long ago and how frequent?

"No" Does this mean the person has never eaten at a restaurant before, and says that they never will?

The question Do you [dynamic verb] ...? is asking about current behaviour. Do you do drugs? means Do you currently do drugs? And Do you eat at restaurants? means Do you currently eat at restaurants?

So, answering with Yes! simply means that you currently do drugs. Whether the current behaviour started long ago or just recently cannot be inferred.

Answering No! means you do not currently do drugs. Similarly, whether or not you did drugs in the past cannot be inferred.

Finally, there is no implication in either the Yes answer or the No answer about intended future drug use.