Prevent logging of 400 errors in Apache httpd

In your case, you are wanting to conditional logging based on the response of a query. Most conditional logging, such as by IP or URL path, operates on the request.

Prior to httpd 2.4, you might do something like the following to not log certain requests based on data in the request.


SetEnvIf Request_URI "^/wpad.dat(.*)$" noise
SetEnvIf Request_URI "^/favicon.ico$" noise

CustomLog access_log combined env=!noise

However, using SetEnvIf is only useful for filtering based on requests. We would need an environment variable (in the Apache httpd sence) that gives us the response code, as CustomLog gets processed at the end of the request.

In httpd 2.4, we also have the more flexible construct of the 'expression', so CustomLog might have either an 'env=xxx', or 'expr=xxx'


"The third argument is optional and controls whether or not to log a particular request. The condition can be the presence or absence (in the case of a 'env=!name' clause) of a particular variable in the server environment."

So your question really boils down to: "is there an httpd environment variable that gives me the response code that was generated for a request"

See: Apache environment variables list? and:

From the documentation itself:

# Conditional logging
CustomLog logs/access-errors.log common "expr=%{REQUEST_STATUS} >= 400"
CustomLog logs/access-errors-specific.log common "expr=%{REQUEST_STATUS} -in {'405','410'}"