How can I tell if people are selling stuff to me?

I have a low tolerance for repetitive dialog. This means that when I'm manning the store front, I mash every key that might possibly speed up the text and "get on with it".

This turns out to be bad for business: I don't always notice when someone comes in to sell me something rather than buy it... And let's just say buying something for 100+% of the base price makes for happy customers and a broke store owner.

Is there any way to tell whether someone's selling or buying when we skip directly to talking price?

Is there any way to tell whether someone's selling or buying when we skip directly to talking price?


The text color. If the text is in yellow, you're buying. If the text is white, you're selling.

I don't always notice when someone comes in to sell me something rather than buy it... And let's just say buying something for 100+% of the base price makes for happy customers and a broke store owner.

With the above text color guideline in mind, just use the guide here for optimal buying and selling prices: (Use the data here as a guide, as data in that wiki article is from the demo version of the game and could be incorrect for some characters. It also has missing info.)

A previous, related question of mine about the discrepancies in the above Recettear wiki link: Optimal percentages for maximum profit and experience when buying and selling for each customer

If your goal is to gain experience points as fast as possible, always selling at 104% to everyone is optimal for linking chain experience bonuses: How do you gauge the Near Pin % of a transaction?