What are Protoss counter options to Mass Marauder?

What is the best counter to mass marauder while using a standard build order? I have tried charge zealots but the just get kited to death. High Templar with storm do not do enough damage. Colossus are also easily sniped. Void Rays are good but switching to air is sometimes not an option when you have already built production structures. Maybe zealots and archons? Does anyone have a successful counter to this?

I'm not sure how each one of your examples are not working as they are viable with a little bit of tweaking.

I notice that you don't have any sentries listed there and they do help in your fights, guardian shield reduces the damage from marauders and they also provide your best ability to deal with them, forcefields.

  • Immortals are also nice against mass marauder before you have colossus tech (or if you don't want to go colossus tech). But since immortals are so weak against marines, if you have the APM for it, focus them on marauders. Immortals get a +dmg bonus vs marauders and will absolutely destroy them. A zealot army mixed with immortals (assuming they go pure marauders) will make short work of the terran army. Again though, if you're getting kited, you need to know when to pull back and not take damage you don't have to.
  • Charge zealots + sentries with forcefields will stop them from retreating and kiting you. Zealots do insane amounts of DPS when they can hit.
  • High Templars are difficult to use because they can kite storms. But again, used with forcefields it forces the marauder to take the full 80 damage. But changing them into archons could work as well.
  • Colossi are only easily sniped if you're not managing them properly. Colossi with enough of a ground army support is your best way to deal with mass marauder (My opinion). The reason being is that you would have sentries to create an area where they cannot hit your army, but you can hit them. With a range 9 with the thermal lance upgrade compared to the 6 of marauders, throw in forcefields and your colossi pick off marauders with ease and causing splash damage.

Combining all of the above will make mass marauder completely useless against you. A protoss death ball with enough sentries, zealots, stalkers, an immortal or two, and colossi can split their army in half, lets your chargelots hit the ones inside the forcefield (yes they'll get hit by the ones split off), lets your stalkers fight a smaller force, lets your immortals obliterate the marauder numbers, and lets your colossi rip through the close ones before attacking the farther one will destroy their army. It's a bit micro intensive, but probably the best way of handling them overall.

Zealots + Sentires, is THE BEST option, the only obstacle is learning how to places FFs.

Here is the guide for that Using Force Fields Effectively

How To Cast Force Field

Assuming F is the hotkey for Force Field (F is the Default) the to best ways to cast it are:

  • F > Click each Force Field individually, or,

  • hold F down and click for each Force Field you want to cast.

This is purely personal preference, I use the first option because I feel it makes me place each Force Field a little better than if I use the second option. Try both and decide which is more comfortable for you. Do not Shift+F Force Fields as it causes the Sentries to cast after they kill the current unit that they are attacking.