How to find and replace in regedit?
I use win_xp_sp3 inside my virtualbox i was mapped all the xp folder destination into my host machine in regedit. and now i need to change the my username and i don't remember all files i changed. is there any possibility on regedit find and replace?
There are a few paid products out there (with with free trial periods), for example:
- RegEditX
- Registry Replacer
- Registry Toolkit
For a 'free' option you can try:
- Exporting search results from RegScanner
- Use a text editor to search and replace in the exported .reg file
- Import the updated .reg file to update the registry.
Just remember to backup your registry before you do anything! :)
Something like ERUNT should help for the backup.
I stumbled across this free Advanced Regedit thing. Seems to work.
The best, free one out there - Registry Finder
Hosted on its own HTTPS page, so it doesn't look that much of a security risk to me as others that can be only downloaded from or similar.