How safe is it to make my SSH Public key, very public?

Is it a security risk to allow anyone to see your SSH public key?

My public key(s) are on all the machines I login to regularly, and I've also given other sysadmins my .pub file so they allow me access to their servers, as required.

But: how safe is it to publish my public SSH keys for the entire world to see? There are plenty listed in various github repos, dotfiles and the like, and I'm also considering doing the same. I'm a sysadmin, and paranoid (but I repeat myself...) and so would appreciate some clarification.

Making your public key really public will of course make your key pair less secure than if the public key was also secret. Nobody can pick a lock if they have never seen the lock.

But even if someone has your public key, there still is no known, viable option of finding your private key based on it.

Of course, if someone tomorrow finds a way to calculate the private key based on your public key, then it would have been safer to have never given the public key out. But that simply isn't going to happen. And if it does, nobody is going to care about your public key, believe me :P