How to use rupee symbol in Dell keyboard?

I have Dell Latitude laptop and it has both Indian rupee symbol and euro in keyboard. But don't know how to use it. What keys can I press to insert the symbols?

I'm using Windows 7.


Solution 1:

I went to the language page in control panel and changed it to Indian from US keyboard.

Voila: Right Alt + 4 gives Indian Rupee (₹). Left Alt + 4 gives dollar symbol ($).

Solution 2:

We need to install windows driver update and some configurations. Kindly check this article. Type Indian Rupee Symbol using Keyboard Keys

  • Download the Microsoft driver update which enable the Windows to detect rupee symbol. You can download Microsoft update which supports rupee symbol from here.
  • Download the appropriate version of the update based on your version of Windows. Once download completes, install the update.
  • In Control Panel, click Clock, Language, and Region, and then click Change keyboards or other input methods.
  • On the Region and Language screen, click Change keyboard on the Keyboards and Languages tab.
  • On the Text Services and Input Languages screen, click Add.
  • On the Add Input Language screen select English (India), and then select the India keyboard check box.
  • Restart the system.
  • Now your keyboard will be able to write rupee symbol.
  • For writing rupee symbol now on wards use Ctrl+Alt+₹(4 or $ on regular key). The Keyboards without rupee symbol, can use Ctrl+Alt+$

Solution 3:

Hitting the Right side Alt and then the Rupee symbol will trigger the Rupee key entry. For Euro, it's the same - the Right side Alt -and hitting the Euro key will trigger the Euro symbol.

Stumped me for few minutes when I had a review copy of the XPS ultrabook.