pluralize without count number in rails 4

I have been looking for the answer to this myself and wasn't satisfied with any of the existing ones. Here's the tidiest solution I found:

 Available <%=  "Article".pluralize(@posts.published.count) %>:

Documentation is here. Relevant bits:

Returns the plural form of the word in the string.

If the optional parameter count is specified,
the singular form will be returned if count == 1.
For any other value of count the plural will be returned.

  'post'.pluralize             # => "posts"
  'apple'.pluralize(1)         # => "apple"
  'apple'.pluralize(2)         # => "apples"

You could use Rails Internationalization (I18n) to accomplish this. In your config/data/en.yml your translations would be something like this:

    zero: Available Article
    one: Available Article
    other: Available Articles

And in your view you should be able to get the translation like this:

<%= t(:available_articles, count: @posts.published.count) %>