Is using labels in JavaScript bad practice?

I just found out about using label s in JavaScript, such as:

for (var i in team) {
    if(i === "something") {
        break doThis: //Goto the label
    } else {

doThis: //Label

I've not heard about this until now and I can't find much information online about it and I'm beginning to think there is a reason for that.

It seems to me like this is similar to a GOTO statement in other languages and would be considered bad practice. Would I be right in assuming this?

Solution 1:

The labels in JavaScript are used mainly with break, or continue in nested loops to be able to break the outer, or continue the outer loop from the code inside inner loop:

    for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++)
       let k = 5;
       for (let j = 0; j < 10; j++) // inner loop
          if (j > 5) 
               break; // inner 
               continue outer;  // it will go to next iteration of outer loop

If you used continue without 'outer' label, it would go to the next iteration of inner loop. That's why there is a need for labels in Javascript.

Solution 2:

Those are loop breaker identifiers. They are useful if you have nested loops (loops inside loops) and using these identifiers, you can conditionally specify when and which loop to break out from.