Laravel Lumen Memcached not found

Ok, I just started with Lumen and I'm trying to use the Auth, but a call to either Auth::check or any other function of Auth.. leads to the below Error Fatal error: Class 'Memcached' not found in vendor\illuminate\cache\MemcachedConnector.php on line 52. I don't want to use Memcached never used it before.

I disabled it in the .env file and set the CACHE_DRIVER and SESSION_DRIVER to array, but still shows the same error.

I decided not to use Auth again and to manually handle my authetication with sessions/tokens, but enabling the MiddleWare StartSession results to the same error.

 // 'Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\EncryptCookies',
 // 'Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\AddQueuedCookiesToResponse',
 // 'Illuminate\View\Middleware\ShareErrorsFromSession',
 // 'Laravel\Lumen\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken',

Please I'd be so glad if anyone can really help me out here


After going A little Deep in the framework I Hard Coded the session driver name in the SessionManager Class within the method getSessionConfig

public function getSessionConfig()
    $this->setDefaultDriver("cookie");//I added this line
    return $this->app['config']['session'];

It works though but not a good way of doing things. There is no config file, i believe all configurations are written in .env file, but i really don't know why the session_driver and cache_driver is defaulted to memecached even after changing it in the .env and then ran composer dump-autoload ... Lumen :(

EDIT This is my .env file





I already have this line uncommented in my bootsrap/app.php


My DataBase configuration works perfectly so the .env file is loaded quite alright.

I spent 3 hours on this problem today. With the help of the post of demve in this topic, I found the solution. Very simple! I hope it won't affect me later in my development.

Just to it, in the .env file :


Ok, I make an UPDATE because I was faced with a new problem about the session. In fact, when you set the previous parameters, your session won't be persistent, like said in the documentation: array - sessions will be stored in a simple PHP array and will not be persisted across requests.

So I have to change it, always in .env a file like that :


With a var_dump(Session::all()); I now can see the whole values of my session

You may need to restart your server, especially if you're using php artisan serve.

Lumen doesn't appear to pick up .env changes per-request.

I had exactly the same issue - trying to use file cache, but received errors regarding Memcached - restarting the server reloads the .env file.