A synonym for "soft" with a negative connotation

Solution 1:

How about delicate? Mealy-mouthed (from @Josh61 's answer) conveys what you want more precisely, but delicate has that soft negative connotation.

fragile; easily damaged; frail. From dictionary.com

An alternative if you don't like delicate could be squeamish:

easily nauseated or disgusted. From dictionary.com

Solution 2:

"tender" has the connotation of being gentle and soft.

"Oh, you French people are so tender, just say that you're looking for something to kill the mouse with."

  • tender (adj) marked by, responding to, or expressing the softer emotions, showing care.

Solution 3:

One of the senses of precious may work:

  1. Affectedly dainty or overrefined: precious mannerisms.


though this obviously covers an affected attitude.

If the person is genuinely soft, the dialect term nesh would often be used conversationally in the UK:

nesh adjective


(Especially of a person) weak and delicate; feeble