Replacement for "pegged" in "pegged for disposal"

Consider slate:

2. a. To put down (a name, etc.) on a writing-slate; to set down, book, for something; also constructed to with infinitive. Also, to plan, propose, or schedule (an event). Chiefly U.S.

(OED, bolding mine) The phrase "slated for disposal" is not uncommon in American English:

Thousands of beef cutlets slated for disposal sold in Japan

EPA Seeking Comment On Re-classifying PCB-Contaminated Building Materials Slated For Disposal

You have rejected marked because "no marking has been made, simply an act of judgement having passed". In this sense you are treating "marked" as the past participle of the verb "to mark".

However, I contend that marked is in fact the right choice. The free dictionary gives us the following definitions for marked as an adjective:


  1. Having one or more distinguishing marks.

  2. Clearly defined and evident; noticeable: a marked increase in temperature.

  3. Singled out, especially for a dire fate: a marked man.

Definition 3 is the relevant one here: singled out.

Typically, in programming or in bureaucratic endeavors, lists of items are:

1) flagged for disposal [items in a list are flagged for disposal]


2) tagged for disposal [in the real world, to be placed in the garbage bin]

And pegged is for describing people or situations and means: labeled. The politician was pegged as a revisionist.

Designate, as in "Designated for disposal."