GRUB hidden menu not working [closed]
This solution by Bolodya @ worked for me:
I had the same problem - cant access to grub menu by esc or shift keys during boot if I tried to hide it (I have windows and ubuntu on one disk).
The reason is one strange condition in /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober script. it bloks hidden menu part of grub.cfg if os-probber found any other os.
So for me works the following:
In the file /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober
- comment line 33: if [ "x${found_other_os}" = "x" ] ; then
- and comment closing it "fi" at line 67
Sudo update-grub
After that if you have GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT >=1 then you can access to grub menu by esc key during this timeout, if you have GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT =0 then you can access to grub menu if you press "shift" during grub startup, and no hidden menu if GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT =-1.
For me the lines were 32 and 66 respectively