Unable to mount nexus 4

I have installed 13.04 & I can't mount my nexus 4. Here's the error.

Unable to open MTP device'[usb:002,007]'

Any ideas??

Solution 1:

It's really weird, but I solved the issue by closing Banshee Media Player that ran in the background. Turning it back on has resumed the problem.

Solution 2:

Check the following link out. It worked for me.


Solution 3:

I had the same problem and LiveWireBT comment helped me:

The android lockscreen denies access to the phones data when the device is in standby/locked. Unlock and try again. If it still does not work, replug it once. – LiveWireBT Jun 14 at 21:18

Solution 4:

I had this same problem.. did everything none worked except this.. I have Htc one 4.2.2 & ubuntu 13.04..
Go to Synaptic package manager, search for "mtpfs".. install go-mtpsfs-unity.. use mount android appilcation via unity launcher.. right click android icon.. choose mount option.. & there u r.. works perfectly.. though i would like this feature to be default & included in further Ubuntu update. Hope this helps :D