trying to set a different language for date times with Flask-Moment

Solution 1:

I just tried this and it works just fine for me. I also happen to be the author of Flask-Moment, and also the author of the book you are reading. :)

I went to file templates/base.html and made the following change near the bottom of the file:

{% block scripts %}
{{ super() }}
{{ moment.include_moment() }}
{{ moment.lang('es') }}        <--- I added this line
{% endblock %}

Then the application shows me a very funny output half in English and half in Spanish:

The local date and time is 4 de diciembre de 2014 22:02.
That was hace unos segundos.

Note how the month, the relative timing and even the 24-hour clock were changed to a Spanish style.

Solution 2:

I wanted to have a more dynamic behavior and after looking into the Flask-Moment source code I came up with the following solution to autodetect the browser language (which works nicely for me):

{% block scripts %}
    {{ super() }}
    {{ moment.include_moment() }}
    {{ moment.locale(auto_detect=True) }}
{% endblock %}