I am trying to remember a word/phrase that is often used to describe backwards and heavy handed laws

I am having the darndest time trying to remember this word/phrase. I have seen it used many times over the years to describe laws, rules, and policies that are usually very heavy handed and backwards thinking.

Laws that don't really understand the issue they are trying to solve and instead take an almost vindictive approach to solving problems.

For the life of me I can't remember and I keep trying to say it is Gregorian. But I know that is not right.

Does anyone know what I am talking about? I have seen it a lot on techdirt.com.

Solution 1:

Draconian (pertaining to Draco)

The laws [Draco] laid down were the first written constitution of Athens. So that no one would be unaware of them, they were posted on wooden tablets... thus made known to all literate citizens. Wikipedia

The laws were particularly harsh. The punishment for even minor offenses, e.g. "stealing a cabbage", was death.

One thing we must do is rethink the draconian collection policies that leave vulnerable students with nowhere to turn. - NYT

Solution 2:

very strict and cruel


So named for the Greek lawgiver Draco:

Athenian lawgiver whose harsh legal code punished both trivial and serious crimes in Athens with death—hence the continued use of the word draconian to describe repressive legal measures.
