What do you call something that makes you feel empty?

Solution 1:

It fills me with a forlorn feeling

TFD - sad or lonely, especially from being deserted or abandoned.

MW - bereft, forsaken. "left quite forlorn of hope". Sad and lonely because of isolation or desertion.

Example sentences from the web:

1 - "I often pick up an abandoned, forlorn feeling from houses where the owners have died."

2 - "waved them goodbye from the door like forlorn parents waving off a honeymoon couple"

3 - "growing stronger with each passing day is the empty, forlorn feeling that totally consumes me."

4 - "This passage captures the forlorn feeling of chronic illness. Even if you finally reach remission, you have no friends left that want to spend time with you. The isolation is ghastly."

5 - "A relentlessly forlorn feeling wouldn't go away, no matter how many beers he washed down."

Solution 2:

I would call that feeling "deflated."

deflated adj
1. having lost confidence, hope, or optimism

TFD Online

The figurative usage suggests the opposite of being "inflated," meaning filled up with something, (usually a gas, as a balloon), that would render the object full and buoyant.

Solution 3:

I would use draining. Especially in the context of the example sentence you provided.