Is there an idiom for being consistently unlucky through no fault of one's own? [duplicate]
To be dogged by misfortune
is an expression used to convey the idea that you are constantly unlucky.
To dog:
- to pursue or follow after like a dog.
The Free Dictionary
Jinxed could refer to someone who is suffering a period of bad luck.
jinx (jĭngks) n. 1. A person or thing that is believed to bring bad luck. 2. A condition or period of bad luck that appears to have been caused by a specific person or thing.
However, this usage has connotations of being cursed, or having an extrinsic cause.
String/streak of bad luck;
an albatross around one's neck;
Can't catch a break;
Can't win for losing;
can't stand up for falling down;
born to lose;
it never rains but it pours;
when troubles come they come not single spies but in battalions (that one is from Shakespeare);
born under a bad sign; losing since the day one was born;
born to suffer
- Schlemiel: An awkward and unlucky person for whom things never turn out right.
How about these?
destined to fail or have many difficulties; unlucky.
likely to have an unfortunate and inescapable outcome; ill-fated.(You can say 'doomed for life' is you want to specify that the person being referred to is going to be unlucky for the rest of his life(though I understand that it's a completely hypothetical situation))
Source: Oxford dictionaries
These are just words, not phrases/idioms but I think they convey the desired meaning.