What's a negative word for "subtle"?

I'm trying to describe software bugs that are hard to track down due to the mistake (introduced by the developer) being a very subtle one.

"when these errors manifest they do so in a ...(pernicious?)... way"

It's on the tip-of-my-tongue and is a word most people have heard of (so it can be used in marketing material without a fear the reader will need to lookup the word).

Insidious is probably your best bet,

proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with very harmful effects.


but you might also consider treacherous, which has the same connotation of remaining hidden and doing damage unexpectedly:

1. guilty of or involving betrayal or deception.
2. (of ground, water, conditions, etc.) presenting hidden or unpredictable dangers.



difficult to find, catch, or achieve.


Or, more fun and more negative:


1. furtive; sly.


Obscure is a possibility

hard to perceive

not readily seen

inconspicuous or unnoticeable

However, this would work better if it's a bug that's difficult to reproduce, rather than a bug which is difficult to find the cause of.

Ref: dictionary.reference.com


One adjective that comes to mind is " pernicious ".

Pernicious : having a harmful effect, especially in a harmful or subtle way.


Surprised no one has mentioned perfidious.

adjective 1. deliberately faithless; treacherous; deceitful: a perfidious lover.

Treachery implies subtlety.