What word means "the top of a person's head"?

Solution 1:

The 'crown' is the top of the head.

The crown is the top of the head, or the whole head.


The top part of the skull; the top of the head.


the top part of a head


From toe to crown he'll fill our skins with pinches,

Shakespeare - The Tempest IV, 1 - 1,972


Citation from 1535 :

So wente Sathan forth from the LORDE, and smote Iob with maruelous sore byles, from the sole off the fote vnto his crowne:

The Coverdale Bible

Solution 2:

dictionary definition of PATE, reading "**pāte,** *n.* [ME.; prob. orig. euphemistic.] **1.** the head. **2**. the top of the head. **3.** intelligence. **4.** the skin of a calf's head. A humorous or derogatory term." The entire definition is circled in blue ink, with a red ink arrow pointing to the header "pāte" and another pointing to sub-definition 2. "the top of the head." Image from Webster's dictionary text which states the following:

pate, n. [ME.; prob. orig. euphemistic.]

  1. the top of the head.


Your pate is the top of your head...

Solution 3:

The sentence in the book you referenced "Crispin: The Cross of Lead", is this:

With a sweep of his hand, he snatched off his hat, revealing a bald pate.

From the Cambridge English Dictionary,


= the top of a person's head

Solution 4:

There is also scalp. Usually refers specifically to the skin, but not exclusively.