Trying to install Steam ERROR: You are missing the following 32-bit libraries, and Steam may not run: not

I've already installed Steam, but when I click on the program I get this message

ERROR- You are missing the following 32-bit libraries, and Steam may not run:

I don't know what to install or even do.

This seem to happen on every 64 bits OS.

Full bug report here:


gksudo gedit /etc/

Add next two lines to file:


Then execute:

sudo ldconfig

Now you should be able to run Steam

solution found here:

Here's what I had to do on Intel Sandy Bridge (HD3000 graphics)- for Nvidia/AMD use appropriate source:

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa/ /usr/lib

Steam and 3D in vmWare works now.

No problem. Welcome to Linux and Ubuntu, by the way.

First, if you didn't install Steam from the Ubuntu Software Center, and didn't try, see if you can install it that way, removing Steam from your system beforehand. You may need to run sudo apt-get update in a terminal beforehand (when it prompts you for your password, it's typing even if nothing shows up onscreen). I've also noticed that Steam only shows up in the Software Center when you click "show technical items" at the bottom.

If that doesn't help, see the Known Issues section on the Valve Developer wiki. Follow the instructions for Debian-based distributions:

sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++6

Let me know if these instructions don't make sense.