Changing login screen wallpaper

By trying the answer of Senio I had no luck. But with little modification I hit the jackpot :

sudo -i
xhost +SI:localuser:lightdm
su lightdm -s /bin/bash
gsettings set com.canonical.unity-greeter draw-user-backgrounds 'true'
gsettings set com.canonical.unity-greeter background 'path-to-image'

path-to-image is actually the path where the image you want as log in screen wallpaper is stored e.g. : /usr/share/backgrounds/x.jpg

I tested it and it's working

I found this page which offers some tips regarding this problem : Ubuntu13.04 LighDM

Cheap and dirty solution: Got to Terminal, then:

sudo nautilus

Then use Nautilus to copy your preferred background to


Then rename the image that is being used to backup-imagenameold.png Then rename your preferred image to the filename of the original background.

I know it's not clean or lean, but it does the job asap ;)

Cheers, Rüssel

Hmmm .. I try install dconf-editor to change that background. Open Terminal and type this script ..

sudo apt-get install dconf-editor

Run dconf-editor:

sudo dconf-editor

And show the Window ... Open com > canonical > unity-greeter Then change:

draw-user-backgrounds: 'true'
background: 'path-to-image'

Its very simple.

  1. Open a terminal
  2. become root and change current folder

    sudo su
    cd /usr/share/backgrounds/
  3. Copy the picture file to this location

  4. Change the file name to warty-final-ubuntu.png

That will change the login screen background image.
