Ubuntu 14.04 stuck on shutdown

Solution 1:

In my case these simple steps worked for me fine:

  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+T to go to a terminal and type:

    sudo gedit /etc/default/grub

    This will open the grub config file. Change the line:



    GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi=force apm=power_off"

    Then save & close it.

  2. Type in the same terminal:

    sudo gedit /etc/modules

    This will open the modules config, just add the following:

    apm power_off=1

    and save the file.

  3. Next type in the terminal:

    sudo update-grub


Solution 2:

Ubuntu doesn't shutdown properly or hangs at shutdown ?

Issue faced While installing Ubunutu 14.04 in Dell XPS 15Z Laptop

Open the file /etc/default/grub with text editor of your choice, and with admin privillege. Could be done with gksu gedit /etc/default/grub for GUI text editor or sudo nano /etc/default/grub for command-line access.

Find the following line:


Replace it with the following:

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="acpi=noirq acpi=force apm=power_off quiet splash"

Save and close the file. Back in the terminal execute :

 sudo update-grub

Now, when you shutdown, it should work.

Solution 3:

I just deleted quiet splash from this line in /etc/default/grub


and ran sudo update-grub

and it's never hung at shutdown again

Solution 4:

I'm using Lubuntu 16.04.1. I tried several methods including: editing /etc/default/grub, run sudo swapoff -a before shutdown, etc... But none of those worked for me.

Turning off USB 3.0 legacy mode in the BIOS worked for me.