Windows based rsync server
Is there a way to build a Windows server what can be target for other Windows file servers with rsync ?
Solution 1:
While MarkM has a good point about DFS-R, if you want to still use rsync, then cwrsync is a great Windows version of rsync, which includes a client & server, and can also use encryption. I have used this package on Windows for years. It works great, but (in my experience) can sometimes have slower than expected file transfer times.
Solution 2:
Is there a reason that you want to use rsync? If I were you, I'd go with the native DFS-R functionality built into Windows.
Solution 3:
I have found a great tool Yintersync - Rsych for Windows to manage replicating multiple windows servers back to one. I replicate over 2tb daily from 10 servers over a 2mbit broadband connection using it.
Solution 4:
You can easily create a Windows rsync server using Cygwin with rsync package. All you have to do is install Cygwin and make sure you include rsync (listed under 'Net' category using setup-x86_64.exe installer). After Cygwin is installed on your server open a terminal window/session and do the following:
Create rsyncd.conf file on server
Inside rsyncd.conf add config info ex)
auth users = myuser secrets file = /home/myuser/rsyncd.secrets hosts allow =, log file = /home/myuser/rsyncd.log port = 8730 use chroot = yes read only = yes [Share1] path = /cygdrive/e/pathtofolder [Share2] path = /cygdrive/f/pathtofolder
Modify config to meet your specific needs. -
Create rsyncd.secrets file on server and add secrets inside file ex)
Protect rsyncd.secrets file on server (also required to properly run rsync daemon) ex)
chmod 600 ./rsyncd.secrets
Test/Run daemon via cli on server ex)
rsync --daemon --config=/home/myuser/rsyncd.confg --no-detach
Test rsync server connection from a client machine with rsync installed aswell ex)
rsync -rdt rsync://myuser@rsyncserver:8730
Command should list available shares. -
Test rsync server auth from client machine (enter password when prompted) ex)
rsync -rdt rsync://myuser@rsyncserver:8730/Share1 Password:mysecretpassword
Command should list all files in specified share. -
Something I've also learned about using Cygwin with rsync on Windows is that you also want to change your fstab file (located usually in Windows directory C:\cygwin64\etc on server or client) to include the
option otherwise you can run into all kinds of weird file permission issues when syncing. ex)
# /etc/fstab
# This file is read once by the first process in a Cygwin process tree.
# To pick up changes, restart all Cygwin processes. For a description
# see
# This is default anyway:
none /cygdrive cygdrive binary,noacl,posix=0,user 0 0
If any errors occur check server's rsyncd.log (as configured /home/myuser/rsyncd.log)
- Rsync Server Setup
- Windows Cygwin Permission Annoyances