How to disable the 10 minute screen timeout/lock in KDE?

I'm trying KDE desktop on Ubuntu 14.04LTS (the start screen now says "kubuntu" but the DE was installed on top of regular ubuntu). When no actions have been made for like 10 or 15 minutes or so the screen locks and Spotify/youtube/anything is paused.

In System Settings > Display and Monitor > Lock Screen I unchecked the timer (and put a large timeout time in the unchecked setting).

In System Settings > Energy Saver i have configured it not to do anything when hooked up to AC power.

The xscreensaver is set to "disable screen saver"

These settings did not stop the timeout. I edited ~/.kde/share/config/kscreensaverrc into:


This had no effect. I found in another answer that doing

setterm blank 0
setterm powerdown 0
xset s 0 0

will do the trick, which it did! But it is overwritten on reboot. Is my only option to make this a startup script? I couldn't believe that this would be such a problem in such a standard DE...

Solution 1:

On my version of KDE (4.14.12) there is a power management widget. (You can add it by right clicking on the launcher bar and choosing Panel Options -> Add Widget. It's called Battery and Brightness.) On this widget there is a checkbox labelled Enable Power Management. If uncheckt it disables dimming of the screen altogether. This works for me.

enter image description here

Solution 2:

In KDE5 as of 2021-APR:

  1. Open System Settings
  2. Search "Screen Locking"
  3. Adjust "Lock screen automatically" enter image description here