Selling loot in Ultima 7

How do I sell things in Ultima 7?

Is there a place where I can sell things like weapons, armor, potions, gems, other stuff?

One of the best methods for getting gold is by selling Silver Serpent venom to the apothecary in Britain. 50 gold per vial and you can find plenty of them in Paws.

Here's a super list of other stuff you can sell:

Location: Apothecary in Britain
Item: Silver Serpent Venom
50 Gold Coins

Location: Bakery in Britain
Item: Bread
5 Gold Coins for 5 Loaves of Bread
Note : Willy is also supposed to buy sacks of flour for 4 Gold Coins each, but for some reason he never accepts them.

Location: Jewelery Shop in Britain
Item: Gem
30 Gold Coins

Location: Mint in Britain
Item: Gold Nugget
10 Gold Coins
Item: Gold Bar
100 Gold Coins

Location: Farm near Britain
Item: Pumpkin
1 Gold Coin

Location: Farm near Britain
Item: Egg
1 Gold Coin

Location: Castle British
Item: Mutton
5 Gold Coins

You can sell weapons to the blacksmith and armor to the armorer.

Updated: You can sell a few item to special NPC as gems to the juweler, nuggets to the miner. All other loot is not sellable.

Old: You can't sell loot in Ultima 7.