Which companions have romance options?

SWTOR seems to have many romance options, and many opportunities to flirt with NPCs.

Listing all of the NPCs you can sleep with seems to be a unexpectedly large list outside the scope of this site, but which companions can you have a romance with?

Solution 1:

Here's a breakdown of who you can romance based on class (source):

Jedi Knight

  • Kira Carsen (F)
  • Doc (M)

Jedi Consular

  • Zenith (M)
  • Lt. Iresso (M)
  • Tharan Cedrax (M)
  • Nadia Grell (F)

Sith Inquisitor

  • Andronikus Revel (M)
  • Ashara Zavros (F)

Sith Warrior

  • Vette (F)
  • Jaesa Willsaam (F) (dark side only)
  • Malavai Quinn (M)
  • Lieutenant Pierce (M)


  • Aric Jorgan (M)
  • Elara Dorne (F)


  • Corso Riggs (M)
  • Risha (F)
  • Akavi Spaar (F)

Bounty Hunter

  • Mako (F)
  • Torian Caldera (M)

Imperial Agent

  • Kaliyo Djannis (F)
  • Vector Hyllis (M)
  • Ensign Raina Temple (F)

Solution 2:

Jedi Knight


  • Kira Carsen (companion)
  • Ranna Tao'Ven, after completing The Face of the Enemy

Republic Trooper


  • Sergeant Jaxo, after meeting her again at the end of the mission on Port Raga: Optional: A Little R and R