Crafting multiple items without confirming for each item?

Unfortunately there is not a way to craft multiple items as the comment have implied. Spamming E and Y seems to be the best solution for now.

It seems likely there will be a mod when the creation kit shows up that will improve this situation (for PC). I'll update this when it becomes available. (That is my primary reason for the answer, to make this easy to find and update later).

I just discovered by accident that you don't need to press "E" every time. After the first time, if you just keep clicking right where the "yes" was (what looks like empty space), it will bring up the prompt again (so essentially each double click = an item).

Just watch out! If you finish the item you're crafting, it may move to the next one on the list, and you'll end up crafting things you didn't want.

I use a logitech keyboard g series. Create a macro with the g keys and then in the game you just hold the key down and relax.