DD-WRT: Anyone know how to get RADIUS on the router so I don't need to rely on an external server?

Ideally, in my environment, the radius server would run on the router, so that we can save power.

Now, I've heard of people using freeRadius, which I've heard is great, but is kind of a pain to set up. But as long as there are instructions, I can't complain.

So, does anyone know how, or have any links for setting up RADIUS on the DD-WRT router?

for reference: my router is Netgear WNR3500v2, so it has 64MB of space, most of it free. So there shouldn't be a problem getting freeRadius on there, if that is the chosen RADIUS server.

Following a tutorial: I telnetted into my router, did ipkg update, got a bunch of erros "failed to retrieve"

this is what I get when I type df:

root@OverMind:~# df
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                 2048      2048         0 100% /
/dev/mtdblock/4           4160       260      3900   6% /jffs
/dev/mtdblock/4           4160       260      3900   6% /opt

so maybe I don't have enough free space?

Let's give this one a shot: A How To for DD-WRT, FreeRadius, and ChilliSpot. The FreeRadius packages exist in OptWare (package 242/3) OptWare packages as apparently stable so you may not be in for too much of a hassle on this one...