Any home design software similar to The Sims 3? [closed]

I tried Sketchup to sketch a home design but I find the controls a bit frustrating. I can sketch 10 times faster in The Sims 3, plus it is nicer to look at. Though the metric system may not be 1:1 ratio to reality but it's close, maybe 15%-20% off but this is a just a sketch, right?

Anyway, is there any software that does home design like The Sims 3? The same ease of use but at a more professional level and a real metric system?

Solution 1:

Sweet Home 3D is an open source tool that I've used quite a few times. It may not be as easy as the Sims tool, but it's not awful. And if you're going to use it for anything serious, like a remodeling project, it's really nice to be able to visualize the results.

I used Punch a few years ago, and Sweet Home is not bad in comparison.

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