C# Image.Clone Out of Memory Exception

Why am I getting an out of memory exception?

So this dies in C# on the first time through:

splitBitmaps.Add(neededImage.Clone(rectDimensions, neededImage.PixelFormat));

Where splitBitmaps is a List<BitMap> BUT this works in VB for at least 4 iterations:

arlSplitBitmaps.Add(Image.Clone(rectDimensions, Image.PixelFormat))

Where arlSplitBitmaps is a simple array list. (And yes I've tried arraylist in c#)

This is the fullsection:

for (Int32 splitIndex = 0; splitIndex <= numberOfResultingImages - 1; splitIndex++)
  Rectangle rectDimensions;

  if (splitIndex < numberOfResultingImages - 1) 
    rectDimensions = new Rectangle(splitImageWidth * splitIndex, 0, 
      splitImageWidth, splitImageHeight); 
    rectDimensions = new Rectangle(splitImageWidth * splitIndex, 0, 
     sourceImageWidth - (splitImageWidth * splitIndex), splitImageHeight); 

  splitBitmaps.Add(neededImage.Clone(rectDimensions, neededImage.PixelFormat)); 


neededImage is a Bitmap by the way.

I can't find any useful answers on the intarweb, especially not why it works just fine in VB.


I actually found a reason (sort of) for this working but forgot to post it. It has to do with converting the image to a bitmap instead of just trying to clone the raw image if I remember.

Clone() may also throw an Out of memory exception when the coordinates specified in the Rectangle are outside the bounds of the bitmap. It will not clip them automatically for you.

I found that I was using Image.Clone to crop a bitmap and the width took the crop outside the bounds of the original image. This causes an Out of Memory error. Seems a bit strange but can beworth knowing.