Is std::vector memory freed upon a clear?

Suppose I have a std::vector of structs. What happens to the memory if the vector is clear()'d?

std::vector<myStruct> vecs;

Will the memory be freed, or still attached to the vecs variable as a reusable buffer?

Solution 1:

The memory remains attached to the vector. That isn't just likely either. It's required. In particular, if you were to add elements to the vector again after calling clear(), the vector must not reallocate until you add more elements than the 1000 is it was previously sized to.

If you want to free the memory, the usual is to swap with an empty vector. C++11 also adds a shrink_to_fit member function that's intended to provide roughly the same capability more directly, but it's non-binding (in other words, it's likely to release extra memory, but still not truly required to do so).

Solution 2:

The vector's memory is not guaranteed to be cleared. You cannot safely access the elements after a clear. To make sure the memory is deallocated Scott Meyers advised to do this:

vector<myStruct>().swap( vecs ); has the following to say on this:

Removes all elements from the vector, calling their respective destructors, leaving the container with a size of 0.

The vector capacity does not change, and no reallocations happen due to calling this function. A typical alternative that forces a reallocation is to use swap:...