RegEx - Get All Characters After Last Slash in URL

I'm working with a Google API that returns IDs in the below format, which I've saved as a string. How can I write a Regular Expression in javascript to trim the string to only the characters after the last slash in the URL.

var id = ''

Don't write a regex! This is trivial to do with string functions instead:

var final = id.substr(id.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);

It's even easier if you know that the final part will always be 16 characters:

var final = id.substr(-16);

A slightly different regex approach:

var afterSlashChars = id.match(/\/([^\/]+)\/?$/)[1];

Breaking down this regex:

\/ match a slash
(  start of a captured group within the match
[^\/] match a non-slash character
+ match one of more of the non-slash characters
)  end of the captured group
\/? allow one optional / at the end of the string
$  match to the end of the string

The [1] then retrieves the first captured group within the match

Working snippet:

var id = '';

var afterSlashChars = id.match(/\/([^\/]+)\/?$/)[1];

// display result

Just in case someone else comes across this thread and is looking for a simple JS solution:
