Is there a way to replace Finder altogether?

There's an Apple-documented general overview of the technologies that specifically support kiosk on OS X —

Technical Note TN2062: Creating Kiosks

— with a section Replacing the Finder.

… Is it possible to remove it from the OS,

I recommend not attempting to remove Finder.

including thing like file open dialogs etc? …

Of possible interest, in Apple Support Communities:

  • preferring to not show the sidebar in expanded save dialogues

It is quite easy to remove finder. Just disable the launchd job (making sure to start your replacement or know how to ssh into the mac to launch finder by hand / enable the launchd job)

You will break your mac software if you don't know what you are doing.

It's really as simple as throwing the following two lines inside the <dict> </dict> part of /System/Library/Launch\ Agents/


The OS supplies many API - so the file open dialog really isn't finder but a lower level construct. Finder calls those API like any other program, it's just that Finder is expected by the designers to be running all the time.

If you are looking to rip out all API that finder calls or that call finder, the job would be Herculean (Sisyphean if you fail to pull it off).

Most people unhappy with finder run something like PathFinder.