How to prevent one app from saving/restoring any Saved State

Solution 1:

You could try modifying the permissions on the saved state folder so it cannot be written to.

Take for example.

Open from the Utilities folder under Applications and enter:

sudo chmod 440 ~/Library/Saved Application State/

So you will want to look in the your "~/Library/Saved Application State" folder for the path to the iTerm saved state and modify the command above accordingly.

Solution 2:

There is a specific command to prevent any app from saving state, rather than just locking the state folder…

defaults write NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows -bool false

If you don't want a permanent switch, just to prevent it on one single occasion, then deleting/moving the Saved State folder in ~/Library/Saved Application State/ would be the simplest.

Solution 3:

I use RestoreMeNot for this purpose. It adds a prefpane where you can toggle restoration on a per app basis.