Changing text applied when duplicating file in Finder

  1. Open /System/Library/CoreServices/

    Use Show Package Contents to browse the package in Finder, or open using Terminal, etc.

  2. Open Localizable.strings in BBEdit or other editor capable of editing .strings files.

  3. N4 contains the string that is used to name the duplicate file.

    ^0 copy

    ^0 is the previous file's name. Make sure to keep this to retain the name of the previous file.

  4. Edit the string how you wish. For example, to duplicate test as test_copy instead of test copy, use…

  5. Save and relaunch Finder.

    killall -HUP Finder

2020: macOS Catalina Version

As mentioned above this is a hack and will disappear with the next update you do on your mac.  

  1. Create a copy of the file specifying the Finder language specific texts. i.e. to the Desktop
cp /System/Library/CoreServices/ ~/Desktop/


  1. Open with BBEdit
bbedit ~/Desktop/Localizable.strings


  1. Search for <key>N4_V1</key> and replace <string>^=1 copy</string> as desired and described above and save the file.


  2. Disable rootless as shown here.

    • Reboot with Command + R keys into Recovery Mode
    • open a Terminal, disable rootless and restart
csrutil disable; reboot


  1. After reboot, make your Macintosh HD writeable as described here
sudo mount -uw /
killall Finder
  1. Copy your change file to the original location and restart Finder as mentioned above:
sudo cp ~/Desktop/Localizable.strings /System/Library/CoreServices/
killall -HUP Finder


  1. Enable rootless as shown here.
    • Reboot with Command + R keys into Recovery Mode
    • open a Terminal, enable rootless and restart
csrutil enable; reboot


Enjoy a simplified workflow :-)

Option + drag a file into the same directory.

Or option + drag a file into the directory that contains a file with the same name and select keep both.

These actions will append a number "2" without the word copy. If a file with a "2" exists the Finder will append a "3" instead!

You could also multiple-select and then Option + drag into the same directory and the numbers will all increment nicely. It's beautiful.