Managing pictures and videos between my iPhone and iPad

I take a lot of photos and videos with my iPhone, and like to have most of them on my iPad. However, often, I take and combine videos with iMovie eliminating the need to have 10-20+ videos of whatever that was in my Photos app. Right now I sync through iTunes into iPhoto, but that has become an immense space hog for two reasons. One is the videos, (I have the one completed video, and don't need all the clips) and two, iPhoto likes to create Photostream events that downloads all my Photostream pictures into separate Events(resulting in loads of duplicates as well). To finish the loop, I have my iPad sync the last three months of events.

Is there a better way to manage pictures and videos?

I would like to use something like a (iPhoto) Smart Album that only imports media, and then lets me delete whatever out that I want to.

Apple wants you to use their PhotoStream or do manual syncing all the time. From my personal experience it's impossible to manage some parts in PhotoStream and some others outside. I'm sure it's possible to do some crazy scripting, symlinking and syncing. But hey... that's not the reason why we use Apple products in favor to the more open Android ones, right?

I ended up re-creating my Aperture and iPhoto libraries and a big upload session to PhotoStream. Works fine so far.