What do you call a woman who is crafty, employs ingenuity in a general range of things like sewing, baking, paper crafts, etc

I'm trying to find a noun that embodies a range of crafty skills. This word would ideally follow my adjective "craftiest" and would describe someone (typically a woman) who could be seen as someone who covers range of titles such as seamstress, homemaker, baker, and general crafts like that. Is there any such word?

Domestic goddess is not a single word (unless you accept the hyphenated form), defined in various places, but most completely in the Urban Dictionary:

A female who excels at baking, cooking, cleaning-housework of all sorts. She loves to please and enjoys hearing compliments about her awesomeness around the house/kitchen. She may sew, knit, have domestic hobbies that come out well. She doesn't have to have children to be considered a domestic goddess.

This is similar to a domestic engineer, who is typically a woman who manages household affairs.

The difference may be that a domestic engineer accomplishes all of those things with hard work, while a domestic goddess has a natural talent or flair and seems to do them with considerably less effort.

I think that "homemaker" does embody the other skills you're listing (baking, sewing, etc), and that you won't find a better word for this than that. I could be mistaken, but I can't think of anything else I've come across that would be a better fit.


a woman who is competent in a variety of small skills or inventive or ingenious in repair or maintenance work


There is an idiomatic phrase also: jill of all trades

(idiomatic) A woman competent in many endeavors, especially one who excels in none of them.


You can consider artisan (or craftsman/craftswoman) also but they are skilled at a particular craft rather than multiple crafts.