Can you make it easier to resize windows on Ubuntu?

In Linux, you can usually hold Alt and drag the right mouse button near one of the borders to resize a window, and hold Alt and the drag the left mouse button anywhere in the window to move it. I can't say for certain that this works on Ubuntu though!

Edit: This is based on my experience with fluxbox/openbox. There should be similar shortcuts for other window managers. According to this link, this should work with KDE. This link suggests it would be Alt-F8 for GNOME.

Hold Alt and press Middle click (mousewheel) near the edge of the window and drag to resize it.


  1. Super button usually has a Windows key on it
  2. this is for GNOME

Ubuntu 20.04 and 20.10

Move window: Super + hold down left mouse button

Resize window: Super + hold down middle mouse button

Ubuntu 18.04

Same as Ubuntu 20.04.

Ubuntu 16.04

Move window: Alt + hold down left mouse button

Resize window: Alt + hold down middle mouse button

Resize a window by dragging the edges or corner of the window. Hold down Shift while resizing to snap the window to the edges of the screen and other windows. Move or resize a window using only the keyboard. Press Alt + F7 to move a window or Alt + F8 to resize.