Difference between >> and >>> in Scala

Is there any difference between >> and >>> operator in Scala?

scala> 0x7f >>> 1
res10: Int = 63

scala> 0x7f >> 1 
res11: Int = 63

scala> 0x7f >> 4
res12: Int = 7

scala> 0x7f >>> 4
res13: Int = 7

Solution 1:

The >> operator preserves the sign (sign-extends), while >>> zeroes the leftmost bits (zero-extends).

res0: Int = -3
res1: Int = 1073741821

Try it out yourself.

This is not necessary in languages like C which has signed and unsigned types, unlike Java, which also has >>> (because it has no unsigned integers).

Solution 2:

They have the same meaning as in Java.

From The Java™ Tutorials - Bitwise and Bit Shift Operators:

The signed left shift operator "<<" shifts a bit pattern to the left, and the signed right shift operator ">>" shifts a bit pattern to the right. The bit pattern is given by the left-hand operand, and the number of positions to shift by the right-hand operand. The unsigned right shift operator ">>>" shifts a zero into the leftmost position, while the leftmost position after ">>" depends on sign extension.

>>> only exists in Java, but not C or C++.

Solution 3:

Note: with SLIP 30 (Nov. 2015), Scala might end up (in 2016? 2017?) with 4 "primitive" types to represent unsigned integers: UByte, UShort, UInt and ULong.

That would impact Bit shifting operations on UInts and ULongs, which also illustrates the difference between >> and >>>:

Shift left << and shift logical right >>> behave in the obvious way.

The case of shift arithmetic right >> is debatable.
We argue that it should not be available on unsigned integers for two reasons:

  • First, a shift arithmetic right does not appear to have any meaning on unsigned integers. The correct arithmetic shift if >>>. Therefore, similarly to unary_-, it should not be introduced.
  • Second, existing languages that do have unsigned integer types, such as the C family, actually give different semantics to >> depending on whether it has a signed or unsigned operand:
    A >> on an unsigned operand does not sign-extend. It would be confusing to a C developer for x >> 3 to sign-extend in Scala, but it would be equally confusing to a Scala developer that x >> 3 not sign-extend. Therefore, we prefer to leave it out completely, and let a compiler error be raised.

If a bit-twiddling-based algorithm needs the sign-extending shift right, it is always possible to reinterpret as signed, do the operation, and reinterpret back as unsigned: (x.toInt >> 3).toUInt.

Note: the current implementation does provide >>, until we agree on this point.