Make Thunderbird forget password

I use Thunderbird as my mail client under Linux Mint 20.2. I desire that my password is not remembered, but that I will be prompted for the password whenever I open Thunderbird. (Ideally with the possibility to use the password manager KeePassXC in that prompt.)

Since Thunderbird didn't do as I wished, I removed my e-Mail account from Thunderbird and then added it again. During that process, I unticked the box "remember password".
However, after closing the Thunderbird window and then opening Thunderbird again, I was not prompted for the password, and all e-Mails were displayed. I am also not prompted when I check for incoming mail.
I tried closing Thunderbird, shutting down the computer, then starting the computer and Thunderbird, but still I was not prompted for the password.

Where can I set Thunderbird to not remember my password? It is probably simple, but I don't find it.

For the Linux version of Thunderbird, this should be found in Edit > Preferences

For the Windows version, this should be under the menu option for Tools > Options

From there, there should be a tab on the left labeled Privacy & Security One of the sections near the top should be Passwords.

Make sure that Use a master password is checked. You will be prompted for this once per session (whenever you open Thunderbird, and mail is retrieved for the first time).