How I can create Linked Server on Linux SQLServer 2017

It is possible to create linked server from SQLServer 2017 on Linux, to Oracle database,

which steps are needed?

Linked server to Oracle is not supported

Unsupported features & services

  • Linked Servers to data sources other than SQL Server

see unsupported features.

if you want to create linked server to a SQL server, then below T-sql will work (I have tested it and it works fine)

EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver
     @server = N'serverB', -- destination server Name 
     @srvproduct = N'',
     @provider = N'SQLNCLI',
     @datasrc = N'xx.xx.xx.xx', -- IP address of the destination server 
     @catalog = N'master'; -- db Name 
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin
     @rmtsrvname = N'serverB',-- destination server Name 
     @useself = N'False',
     @locallogin = NULL,
     @rmtuser = N'sa', -- remote login name 
     @rmtpassword = '#######'; -- remote login password